16th War and Disaster Medicine Conference


Toimumiskoht: Alexela Concert Hall / virtual conference (Estonia pst 9, Tallinn) / virtual conference
Toimumisaeg: N, 07. Detsember 2023 - R, 08. Detsember 2023
Täienduspunkte: 12
Osalemistasu: 125,00€
Korraldaja: Estonian Defence Forces, Estonian Military Academy - Centre for War and Disaster Medicine, Joint Headquarters - Logistics Department, Estonian Association of Military Doctors, Estonian Health Board

Target group: doctors, nurses, paramedics, pharmacists, emergency medical technicians, medical students and other interested professionals


Eestikeelse info ja registreerimisvormi leiate SIIT!



1. Agile Sparrow Trauma Challenge / 07.12.2023 – 13:00-17:00 and 08.12.2023 – 11:00-15:00 / III floor / Registration: on site at the reception desk

2. POCUS / 07.12.2023 – 11:00-12:00 / 0-floor, room 4 / Pre-registration: wdmc@mil.ee

3. Haemorrhage first aid / 07.12.2023 – 13:00-18:00 and 08.12.2023 – 10:00-15.00 / In front of the groceries store of Solaris Centre / Walk-In

4. Virtual reality ROLE 1 / 07.12.2023 – 13:00-16:00 / 0-floor, room 1 / Pre-registration: wdmc@mil.ee

5. Stop the Bleed / 07.12.2023 – 13:00-17:00 / 0-floor, room 3 / Pre-registration: wdmc@mil.ee

6. Points of Learning TCCC - Ukraine / 07.12.2023 – Time to be specified and 08.12.2023 – Time to be specified / 0-floor, room 2 / Registration: on site at the reception desk

7. Possibilities of modern simulation / 08.12.2023 – 13.00-14.30 / 0-floor, room 1 / Registration: on site at the reception desk


The closed session of the conference (for participants with invitations) on December 6 will be held at Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel, Sadam 11a. Registration starts at 09:00 and the session ends at 16:00.


The Estonian Defence Forces and the Estonian Health Board invite you to participate in a joint conference on military and disaster medicine. This year’s focus is on the cooperation between the Estonian Defence Forces and the Estonian Health Board in ensuring the healthcare system performance in a crisis situation, combat injuries and treatment, the impact of war on mental health and the dangers associated with chemical, radiation and bacteriological contamination. Russia's full scale war in Ukraine shows the importance of national Healthcare system preparedness for long-lasting crisis situation. The simultaneous large number of both civilian and military casualties while having limited resources is a challenge for the entire healthcare system. Estonian Health Board leads crisis management and preparedness in healthcare by analyzing and assessing risks, making plans, and coordinating training and exercises. The War and Disaster Medicine Center of the Estonian Military Academy trains both combat paramedics and civilian medics and focuses on research and development in the field of military and disaster medicine in Estonia. The 16th War and disaster medicine conference brings together both civilian and military experts from Estonia and NATO countries and offers listeners an opportunity for evidence-based discussion on topics related to war and disaster medicine.


  • War and disaster medicine
  • Training, simulation, exercises
  • Trauma patient
  • Command and control
  • Ongoing crises and conflicts
  • War and mental health
  • Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense
  • Industry exhibitons

Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel (Sadama 11a, Tallinn)

09.00 – 09.30
Registration, morning coffee
09.30 – 09.45
Opening words and introduction – Moderator of conference Mr Imre Kaas; General Martin Herem, Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces; Mrs Birgit Lao, Director General of the Health Board
09.45 – 10.10
Opening presentation – General Martin Herem (EST)
10.10 – 10.35
Civil-Military Medical cooperation during Crisis and Conflict – Colonel Jurgen Muntenaar, Dept Director MMCC-E (NDL)     
10.35 – 11.00
NATO’s expectations for Estonian civil health care. To what extent can we deliver?  – Mr Ragnar Vaiknemets (EST)    
11.00 – 12.00
Panel session: experience from civil-military medical cooperation in the Baltic States and Nordic countries
Colonel Jurgen Muntenaar (NLD)
Mr Ahti Varblane (EST)
Mr Ragnar Vaiknemets (EST)    
Mr Aivar Toom (EST)  
Mr Jarno Habicht (EST)  
12.00 – 13.00
Lunch break
13.00 – 13.30
Introduction to the concept of moving essential service providers (ESP) – Mr Aivar Toom (EST)  
13.30 – 14.00
Life-Saving Tactical First Aid in Police and Border Guard Board. To Whom and Why? – Mr Heiko Porval (EST)  
14.00 – 14.30
Events of the recent hybrid warfare and governing a country during a crisis – Mr Erkki Tori (EST)  
14.30 – 15.00
Estonian Stockpiling Agency and the organisation of supplies in a crisis – Mr Kaarel Parts (EST)  
15.00 – 16.00
Panel session: family medicine as a structure for a crisis
Mr Nikita Panjuškin, Sotsiaalministeerium
Mr Rain Laane, Tervisekassa
Mrs Elle Mall Sadrak, Eesti Perearstide Selts
Mr Jarno Habicht, WHO
Mr Ragnar Vaiknemets, Terviseamet
Closing words
Formal dinner (with invites)

Alexela Concert Hall (Tallinn, Estonia pst 9)

08.30 – 09.20
Registration, exhibition, morning coffee
09.20 – 09.30
Opening words and introduction – Moderator of conference Mr Ilmar Raag (EST); Mrs Birgit Lao, Director General of the Health Board; Major General Riho Ühtegi, Commander of the Estonian Defence League
09.30 – 09.55
Changing Aspects of Modern Warfare – Major General Riho Ühtegi, Commander of the Estonian Defence League
I session
09.55 – 10.25
How are the certain components of medical response different in Large Scale Combat Operations vs Global war on terrorism and how we reflect on this experience – Mr Fedir Serdiuk (UA)
10.25 – 10.45
Civil-military medical cooperation in a civilian crisis in Estonia – Mr Nikita Panjuškin (EST)
10.45 – 10.55
Introduction of workshops and exhibitions – Second Lieutenant Riho Männik (EST)
II session
10.55 – 11.15
Principles of war surgery – Prof Ari Leppäniemi (FIN)
11.15 – 11.35
Damage Control in South African Settings – Prof Pradeep Navsaria (ZA)
11.35 – 11.55
Conversion of Crycothyroidotomy to Tracheotomy in Trauma Patients: A Dogma or Science? – Prof Peep Talving (EST)
11.55 – 12.15
Extremity tourniquet self-application in cold weather conditions – Dr Carlos Yanez Benitez (ESP)
12.15 – 13.00
III session
13.00 – 13.45
Panel session: organisation of health care during a crisis and in a war. Civilian-military cooperation and extensive evacuation among countries. Moderator mr Ilmar Raag (EST). Participants: Minister of Health of the Republic of Estonia Riina SikkutMinister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia Margus TsahknaMinister of Defence of the Republic of Estonia Hanno Pevkur, Major General Riho Ühtegi, Commander of the Estonian Defence League
13.45 – 14.20
Coffee break
IV session
14.20 – 14.40

Contemporary literature on leadership and its applicability in medicine: an external perspective? – Mr Antek Kasemaa (EST)

14.40 – 15.00
The Coordination and Standardisation of Medical Training at an Interntional Level – Colonel Marilyn Thomas (USA); Major Timothy Casey (USA); Chief Petty Officer Jeff Bruderer (USA)
15.00 – 15.20
COVID at Landstuhl and Medical Support to Afghans at Landstuhl during “Operation Allies Welcome” – Colonel Andrew Landers (USA)
15.20 – 15.40
Delivering H-MIMMS Training with Partners in Estonia – Lieutenant Colonel Ben Hall (UK)
V session
15.40 – 16.00
CBRN Emergencies: An Overview for Responders – Lieutenant Colonel Erika Petrik M.D. (USA)
16.00 – 16.20
DOE/NNSA Office of Nuclear Incident Policy and Cooperation: Cabability Overview and Training Updates on the International Medical Management of Radiation Injuries Course (I-MED) – Mrs Paloma Richard (USA)
Closing of the first day – Moderator of conference Mr Ilmar Raag                   

Alexela Concert Hall (Tallinn, Estonia pst 9)

08.45 – 09.30
Registration, exhibition, morning coffee
09.30 – 09.35
Opening words – Moderator of conference Mr Ilmar Raag    
VI session
09.35 – 09.55
Outcomes of Severe Trauma Patients at the Largest Trauma Center in Estonia – Dr Sten Saar (EST)
09.55 – 10.15
The Raptor Concept: Treating the Most Seriously Injured Trauma Patients in Hybride Trauma Emergency Room – Dr Ville Vänni (FIN)
10.15 – 10.40
Return Soldiers to the Battlefield, the Role of Physical Therapy in the Everyday Military Medical Process– Major Thomas W Engel II, MD, MPH (USA); Major Barbara M Sachs, PT, DPT, OCS (USA)
10.40 – 11.00
Damage control resuscitation from the anaesthesia perspective  Dr Anders Holtan (EST)
VII session
11.00 – 11.20
How can we prepare for a crisis? Training – Dr Neve Vendt (EST)  
11.20 – 11.40
Family Medicine as the foundation of the (Healthcare) crisis card house – Dr Elle-Mall Sadrak (EST)
11.40 – 12.00
CREVEX 2023 overview and lessons for health care – Mr Kristian Sirp (EST)
12.00 – 12.20
Life-Saving Tactical First Aid in Police and Border Guard Board. To Whom and Why? – Mr Heiko Porval (EST)
12.20 – 13.20
VIII session
13.20 – 13.40
Blood preparedness in Norway and the need for mil-civ collaboration on blood supply in crisis and war VTC – Prof Torunn Oveland Apelseth (NOR)

13.40 – 14.00

Blood preparedness strategies and Nordic collaboration – Prof Agneta Wikman (SWE)

14.00 – 14.20

Overview of Blood Transfusion Practice Changes in Ukraine VTC – Dr Brian McMurray (USA)

14.20 – 14.40

IX session
14.40 – 15.00
Practical experience from Israel – overview of mass casualty care – Prof Pinchas Halpern, MD, CMO (ISR)
15.00 – 15.20
Our experience in evacuation and treatment of marines at LSCO. Donbass, Kherson and more – Cpt. Oleksandr Nagovitsyn (UA)
15.20 – 15.50
Health, healthcare and experiences in Ukraine – Dr Jarno Habicht (EST)
15.50 – 16.00
Results and rewards of the Agile Sparrow Challenge – Second Lieutenant Riho Männik (EST)
Closing words – Mr Ahti Varblane (EST); Mrs Birgit Lao (EST)

The programmes may be subjects to change without prior notice.

Conference's presentations are simultaneously interpretated between Estonian and English.

Virtual participation's ticket is for two days!


Registration information

Registration fee for the employee of Estonian Defence Forces and Estonian Health Board: 0 €

Participation in virtual conference: 90 €

Registration until November 17th:

- regular 1 day 90 €, 2 days 150 €

- students 1 day 50 €, 2 days 90 €

Registration November 17th till November 30th:

- regular 1 day 125 €, 2 days 175 €

- students 1 day 50 €, 2 days 90 €

All prices include VAT 20%.

From 1st December You are not entitled to price difference compensation when changing participation tickets!


If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us via e-mail konverentsid@celsius.ee

For more information about exhibitions please contact Stig Benström at Stig.Benstrom@mil.ee


Reminder about participation will be sent to participant's email address one week before the conference!