XVII Baltic Nephrology Conference
October 3: University of Tartu Library (Wilhelm Struve 1, Tartu)
October 4-5: Estonian National Museum (Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu)
Full program and information: balticnephrology2024.eu
Dear colleagues, dear friends!
It is a great pleasure for the Estonian Society of Nephrology to welcome you to the XVII Baltic Nephrology Conference, which will take place on October 3rd - 5th, 2024 in Tartu, Estonia.
The first Baltic Nephrology Conference was held in 1992, in Latvia. Since then, nephrologists from Baltic states have met every other year. This conference brings together nephrologists and surgeons, residents and students from the three Baltic States. Congress allows to introduce the latest scientific achievements, share knowledge learned through practice, and establish contacts with colleagues from different countries.
Sessions include several topics of nephrology:
- Kidney fibrosis as a hallmark of chronic kidney disease
- Rare inherited kidney diseases: challenges, opportunities, and perspectives
- Home dialysis modalities (home hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis): obstacles and challenges
- Current important topics in kidney transplantation
- Cardiorenal syndrome - an update on pathogenesis and treatment.
The conference will be held in the ‘City of Good Thoughts’, as Tartu is called. The city is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and renowned academic institutions, sets the perfect backdrop for this conference. Tartu is home to University of Tartu - the nation’s largest university. Tartu has also the title of European Capital of Culture 2024.
The conference venue is Estonian National Museum, which preserves the feeling of continuity and tradition being the generator and developer of cultural dialogue which links the past and the future.
We hope You will enjoy the days with your friends and colleagues, fulfilled with scientific discoveries and new knowledge. Hoping You can find some time to enjoy the wonderful autumn in Tartu!
We are looking forward to seeing you in Tartu.
Külli Kõlvald
President of the Congress
- Early bird registration fee (until September 10th) 175€
- Late bird registration fee (from September 11th until September 30th) 200€
- Medical students and residents 95€
- Onsite registration fee for everybody 250€
- Congress dinner for everybody 39€
NB! The participation is free for the speakers (including dinner).
All prices include VAT 22%.
The registration fee includes access to the scientific program, lunch and coffee breaks during the conference, welcome reception and conference materials.
The conference dinner on the 4th of October is not included in the registration fee and will be added to Your invoice, provided that You indicate attendance in the registration form.
Accommodation is also not included in the conference registration fee. Rooms have been reserved at our partner hotels, allowing participants to book a suitable hotel with a discount using promo code mentioned under booking information indicated on the conference website.
The invoice will be sent to your e-mail address after registration.
We will send a reminder and all the details about the conference one week before the conference starts.
For questions, please contact us: konverentsid@celsius.ee.
Participation fee refund policy:
If, for any reason, you cannot attend the conference, please notify us via e-mail at the latest 7 calendar days before the event and we will return 100% of the conference fee.
We will refund 50% of the the participation fee if the cancellation takes place 6 to 3 calendar days before the event.
Participation fee will not be refunded if the cancellation takes place more than 3 calendar days before the event. If the cancellation is not communicated in writing (e-mail to konverentsid@celsius.ee), the participation fee will not be refunded.
For information about exhibitions please contact:
Mariann Tiirik
Conference Sales Manager