17th War and Disaster Medicine Conference
The Estonian Defence Forces and the Estonian Health Board invite you to participate in a joint conference on military and disaster medicine. This year’s focus is on Civil-Military cooperation, the impact of war on mental health, dangers associated with chemical, radiation and bacteriological contamination and pre-hospital blood transfusioon. Ongoing war in Ukraine shows the importance of preparedness for entire national healthcare system and the need for constant adaptation to manage both civilian and military casualties while having limited resources.
Estonian Health Board leads crisis management and preparedness in healthcare by analyzing and assessing risks, making plans, and coordinating training and exercises. The War and Disaster Medicine Center of the Estonian Military Academy trains both combat paramedics and civilian medics and focuses on research and development in the field of military and disaster medicine in Estonia.
The 17th War and disaster medicine conference aims to bring together both civilian and military experts from Estonia and NATO countries and to offer listeners an opportunity for evidence-based discussion on topics related to war and disaster medicine. Participating at the conference gives also oportunity to take part in workshops and meet the industry representatives working in the field.
- War and disaster medicine
- Training, simulation, exercises
- Clinical management of combat injuries
- Ongoing crises and conflicts
- War and mental health
- Protection against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats
- Prehospital transfusion and importance of blood
Industry exhibiton
- 09.00–09.30
- Registration, welcome coffee
- Moderator Andres Kuusk (EST)
- 09.30–09.45
- Welcome and introduction – Mrs Birgit Lao (EST), Health Board Director General
- 09.45–10.00
- Welcome and introduction – Brigadier general Viktor Kalnitski (EST)
- I session
- 10.00–10.20
- Role of Medical Leadership in Large-Scale Combat Operations – Colonel Jeremy Johnson (USA), Medical Readiness Command, Europe Chief of Staff
- 10.20–10.40
- Leadership and Cultural Differences – Lieutenant Colonel Rylan Charlton (USA)
- 10.40–11.00
- Medical planning of the offensive operation – Major Nataliia Demedchuk (UA)
- 11.00–11.05
- Introduction of workshops and opening exhibition – Lieutenant Valter Voomets (EST)
- 11.05–12.15
- Workshops and EXPO
- 12.15–13.15
- Lunch
- II session
- 13.15–13.35
- Technical and non-technical aspects of intra-abdominal bleeding – Dr Neil Parry, MD (CAN)
- 13.35–13.55
- Developing and implementing the Advanced Bleeding Control Course (ABC-C) – Dr Carlos Yánez Benítez, MD, MSc, FACS (ESP)
- 13.55–14.15
- Cardiac injuries after blunt trauma – Dr Sten Saar (EST)
- 14.15–14.35
- Tracheobronchial Injuries – Prof Peep Talving (EST)
- 14.35–15.15
- Coffee break
- III session
- 15.15–15.35
- A soldier in a major conventional war: the changing character of war and psychological attrition – Mr Erik Männik (EST)
- 15.35–15.55
- Children in Conflict Zones: Are you ready? – Dr Michael Falk, MD, FAAP, RCPS(C) (USA)
- 15.55–16.15
- Built-in Resilience in the Military Academic Education – Mrs Liisi Toom (EST)
- IV session
- 16.15–16.45
- NATO civil expert about health care resilience – Dr Raul Adlas (EST)
- 16.45–17.05
- Medical team coordination in international missions - EMTCC. Experiences of coordinator in mission of Moldova – Dr Raido Paasma (EST)
- 17.05
- Day I ending – Moderator Andres Kuusk (EST)
- 08.30–09.30
- Registration, EXPO, welcome coffee
- 09.30–09.35
- Opening and welcome
- Moderator Andres Kuusk (EST)
- V session
- 09.35–09.55
- Pancreatic trauma – Prof George Oosthuizen (ZAF)
- 09.55–10.20
- Complications of hepatic trauma – Dr Sharon Čačala (ZAF)
- VI session
- 10.20–10.40
- Whole Blood in Operations: the French experience – Dr (Colonel reserve) Marine Chueca (FRA)
- 10.40–11.00
- Blood logistics/storage distribution modelling – Dr Jarkko Ihalainen, MD, PhD (FIN)
- 11.00–11.20
- Blood preparedness from NATO perspective – Liutenant Colonel, Dr Andrew Beckett (CAN)
- 11.20–11.50
- Clinical Application and Procedures for Blood Administration in Field Environments – Major Ryan Gifford-Hollingsworth, DO (USA) & Vebel Charles B. Brooks (USA)
- 11.50–12.50
- Lunch
- VII session
- 12.50–13.20
- US Air Forces-Europe Conventional Nuclear Integration Exercises: Counter Nuclear Warfare Tabletop Exercise and Radiant Falcon – Lieutenant colonel Marc P. Sylvander (USA)
- 13.20–13.50
- Developing a Framework for Mass Casualty Management – Lieutenant Colonel Ben Hall (GBR)
- VIII session
- 13.50–14.10
- Mass evacuation exercise in Tartu – Mr Kristjan Kostabi (EST)
- 14.10–14.30
- CIOMR exercise in Estonia – Dr Tiit Meren (EST)
- 14.30–14.45
- Medical training to Special Operations Group of Estonian Police and Border Guard Board – Mr Heiko Porval (EST)
- 14.45–15.20
- Coffee break
- IX session
- 15.20–15.40
- PERH MASCAL exercise – Mrs Mari Kolga (EST)
- 15.40–16.00
- Lessons learned from „Casualty Move 2024“ and „Decisive Lancer 2024“ – Mr Andras Armväärt (EST), Head of Health Board Health Crisis Preparedness Department
- X session
- 16.00–16.20
- Continuous blood supply in wartime: Ukrainian experience - Dr Oleksandr Serhiienko, MD, PhD (UA)
- 16.20–16.40
- Healthcare resilience lessons learned in Ukraine – Dr Emanuele Bruni (ITA), WHO incident manager in Ukraine
- 16.40–17.00
- Use of whole blood and blood products in severely injured trauma patients. Massive transfusion protocol in battle trauma – Dr Dmytro Samofalov (UA)
- 17.00–17.10
- Awards of the Agile Sparrow Challenge – Mr Jüri Uluots (EST)
- 17.10
- Conclusion and sum up – Moderator Andres Kuusk (EST) & Dr Ahti Varblane (EST) & Birgit Lao (EST), Health Board Director General
The programmes may be subjects to change without prior notice.
1) Pre-course “Pediatric Trauma” - group is full
2) Whole blood workshop – theory and practice - group is full
3) Ultraheli praktiline koolitus / Hands-on e-FAST course
Information about programme and workshops will be updated on an ongoing basis.
Conference's presentations are simultaneously interpretated between Estonian and English.
Registration information
Registration fee for the employee of Estonian Defence Forces and Estonian Health Board: 0 €
Participation in virtual conference: 100 €
Registration until November 21st:
- regular 1 day 125 €, 2 days 150 €
- students 1 day 75 €, 2 days 100 €
Registration from November 22nd till December 6th 17.00 PM:
- regular 1 day 150 €, 2 days 200 €
- students 1 day 75 €, 2 days 100 €
All prices include VAT 22%.
Virtual participation's ticket is for two days!
Registration for on-site conference is open until 6th December 17.00 PM and registration for virtual conference is open until 10th December 17.00 PM. From 1st December You are not entitled to price difference compensation when changing participation tickets!
Reminder about participation will be sent to participant's email address one week before the conference!
If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us via e-mail konverentsid@celsius.ee
For more information about exhibitions please contact Stig Benström at Stig.Benstrom@mil.ee
Our main sponsor is AS Semetron. The cooperation between the Medical service of the Estonian Defence Forces and Semetron has lasted for more than 15 years, and during this period we have jointly developed various military-medical solutions such as the Role1 and Role2 complexes. Semetron is participating in the conference with an extensive exhibition, which provides an overview of the latest medical technologies in war and disaster medicine.